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Mungalli Falls loves school camps. We fell that all children should get the chance to expereience a camp at Mungalli Falls. Enabling individuals to have the chance to be away from home, the comforts and normallity of daily live, to sharing experiences and memories with their peers in a unique environment. Getting the opportunity to challenge themselves physically and mentally. Sharing experiences with others, creating stronger social bonds. These are just a couple of positives achieved at a Mungalli Falls camp.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Kirwan SHS

Just before the easter Holidays we had Kirwan here, and what a week it was.  The week was excellent the rain was abysmal, solid non stop rain for the duration of the camp.  To be honest there was a couple of hours a day that was not so tragic, although this didn't stop the teachers wading around in gum boots for the duration of the camp.  Luckily though the  first evening was clear enough for the group to do their night Orienteering.  Altogether it was a great week, with great students.  Every year Kirwan brings some older students  to be leaders and this year we had some fantastic leaders.   I will look forward to seeing some of the younger students back as leaders when it is their time.

At this point in time we have no photo's of Kirwan SHS but I hope that maybe some of them will become fans on the Facebook page and post some photos of their own.

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