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Mungalli Falls loves school camps. We fell that all children should get the chance to expereience a camp at Mungalli Falls. Enabling individuals to have the chance to be away from home, the comforts and normallity of daily live, to sharing experiences and memories with their peers in a unique environment. Getting the opportunity to challenge themselves physically and mentally. Sharing experiences with others, creating stronger social bonds. These are just a couple of positives achieved at a Mungalli Falls camp.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Kennedy, what a school they only stayed overnight at Mungalli as they had already spent a night with the wild animals, lions and elephants at Mareeba. I don’t think Mungalli had the same strange noises whilst they tried to sleep, but I did hear odd noises and screams out of them when we done the activities. Kennedy only had the chance to do a couple of activities so we got to do the wet & muddy ones, zooming down the landslide and covering ourselves in the smelliest mud ever on the obstacle course.

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