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Mungalli Falls loves school camps. We fell that all children should get the chance to expereience a camp at Mungalli Falls. Enabling individuals to have the chance to be away from home, the comforts and normallity of daily live, to sharing experiences and memories with their peers in a unique environment. Getting the opportunity to challenge themselves physically and mentally. Sharing experiences with others, creating stronger social bonds. These are just a couple of positives achieved at a Mungalli Falls camp.

Friday, October 16, 2009


What a week for Wulguru.
Five fun packed days at camp.  This is them this morning just before they left.

I could not resist uploading a picture of the Canoeing day for Wulguru.   

This day for me will be remembered for a while and for that reason I can not help blogging this photo.   Thankfully the site location is beautiful, the weather gorgeous and Crazy Clark aided in all the dramas of the day.

So these photos are for Wulguru. I hope they remember that the peace sign is a requirement of Archery and using more than two fingers to pull that string back, could endanger your other fingers.

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