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Mungalli Falls loves school camps. We fell that all children should get the chance to expereience a camp at Mungalli Falls. Enabling individuals to have the chance to be away from home, the comforts and normallity of daily live, to sharing experiences and memories with their peers in a unique environment. Getting the opportunity to challenge themselves physically and mentally. Sharing experiences with others, creating stronger social bonds. These are just a couple of positives achieved at a Mungalli Falls camp.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Live at Mungalli

A couple of weeks have passed since I updated the blog page, I have only managed to update the Facebook page but never  made the blog.

Therefore what has been happening at Mungalli... Well Mungalli has been pretty hectic we had a window of sunshine it feels like and we have seen a lot of groups.

This is some of the groups that have been at Mungalli.

Dingo State School
They traveled far, they even got the opportunity to fly to Townsville making this camp experience a little bit more special with this being the first time for some people in an airplane.   Whilst at Mungalli Falls Dingo state school achieved a lot of Mungalli activities, they also went sight seeing and I believe they had a barbecue on the Esplanade.


This school came and we had some fun, taking part in various activities and I wonder which activity was their favorite.

Edge Hill SS

This school came and pulled off 100 children learning CPR as well as taking part in other Mungalli challenges.  Achieving the CPR is really cool and they should all be very proud.  

St Francis Ayr

This school also stayed for a whole week, hiking to Nandroya fall, panning for gold, canoeing as well as some Mungalli challenges.  This school was busy all week driving around the tablelands exploring so many unique elements of the tablelands.


This school stayed three days, nearly everyone achieved the abseiling which is fantastic to see.  We also conquered some other on site activities.

Whitfield SS

This school divided their group into two camps which was pretty cool.  These are the groups photos

This is the first group.

This is the second group.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Last week

Last week was the busiest week in the year with about 400 students coming t Mungalli Falls.

First we had Ryan Catholic, this school comes to Mungalli twice a year, first camp of the year is the activity based camp.  They all do various activities, some run by Mungalli and others run by the school.  Next year this group will be back on the second camp of the year the leadership camp, so we will get to see them again which is great.
The weather was absolutely miserable but thankfully that did not hinder there fun.

Following Ryan we had OLHOC (Or Our Lady Help of Christian) These guys divided up into 8 different groups, doing everything from Boomerang to Tubing.  Sadly the Tubing was changed due to weather, this was not an issue though and everyone had a lot of fun on camp.